Saturday, January 24, 2009

Assignment #4

James had some very good information on his blog about 2109. He wrote about what could happen to the earth. How it could become distroyed. A quote from his assignmment on 2109 is "In 2109, I don't think there will even be an Earth anymore. By 2109, the world would have already been corrupted, and pollution would have destroyed all the environment." I really think that what James wrote could become true because global warming is already playing a big ole in our daily lives and the garbage is already destroying our earth. We have turned earth into a landfill sight. Overall James assignment on 2109 was awesome! --> Click Here<-- to visit James blog.

The second peer i picked is waseem. The reason i picked waseem was that he had alot of good information and ideas on what will happen in 2109. He thought we might find somewhere else to live like the moon. Waseem also thought that in 2109 war will stop because we will find out a new way to stop war. A quote from Waseem's assignment on 2109 is "the world will change like there will be no more discrimination because Obama is president " I found that quote very nice because there might not be any discrimination of black people because there is now a black president and that might stop racism. Overall Waseem's entry was very good. Check out his blog.

The final peer I picked was Jamal. I liked his blog becouse he had some good information. He wrote about there being peace in the future and Canada being so packed full of people that some will have to move out and live somewhere else. A quote i liked was "I think in the future there will be peace" I liked that quote becouse I think everyone wants peace. One thing i think Jamal could improve on is being more specific. For example "The future will look better we will have more techonolgy and better things to have" Jamal wrote that the future will look better but he could have discribed it more. Overall I think that Jamal did a very nice job! Visit Jamal's blog to see more of his posts.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment #3/ 2109

In 2109 alot will change. We are now hearing about global warming in 2009. How bad will it get in 2109. Global warming is already such a big issue in the world. If you look anywhere you will see smoke rising into the sky. You can look anywhere and u will see smoke coming from houses,buildings, especially those big factory's. There is already so much pollution in 2009. How much will there be in 2109? Il tell you. We have been advancing in technology from when the first pioneers came to know. Before they used to use axes and saws to cut down trees. Now we use chain saws and big trucks. In the future they might use robots or they might have radar controlled trucks that cut down trees without anyone driving it. If they do make radar controlled trucks we know one thing there will be alot more pollution. That means that global warming will become a really big issue in 2109 or even before that. Right now humans run factory's that produce alot alot of smoke. In 2109 they might make machines that control them selves that will mean more gas will be used with means more pollution. Right now in 2009 we have sent robot space ships to visit mars. Scientests have found frozen bacteria there that was once living. If bacteria can live somewhere very far from earth why can't we? We might all board big ships that can fly and go to a difrent planet to live on. The earth will probably be used as a place where they run all there factory on and send us all to a difrent planet. Even worse earth might just blow up becouse of all the harm done to it or used as a garbage site. Isreal is attacking gaza with bombs and difrent wepons that is causing dammage to the earth. In 2109 people will be using more advanced bombs that will cause 2x the dammage to the earth and people witch will lead to mass distruction on earth. We already cut down alot of the trees and destroyed rain forests to build factorys that kill the earth. In 2109 the trees might become extinct or they will be indangerd of being extint. With all the trees gone there will be nothing besides small plants to take the carbon deoxide and switch it to oxygen. That could lead to us all having to be forced to leave earth and go to a difrent planted. Besides from all the bad things there could be some good things too. There might be a new law saying that using gas for anything is illegal. We might start using corn oil (ethanol) instead of gas or there might be solar powerd cars. We could start getting all our electrisity from windmills, dams, and solar power. We might make a special day in everyone month where everyone has to go outside and pickup all the garbage they see to help the earth. There might be a new law saying that chopping down more than 100 trees a month is illegal. We might start a whole new program where everyone goes outside and plants trees. Lastly and most importantly there might be world peace. Please cheack out Christopher Moore's blog.

How to add a Poll

It is very simply and easy to add a poll. A poll is this thing that you can survey visetors with. First you have to log on with ur ID. Then you go to your dashboard if your not already there. Once your at your dashboard click on Layout. Then this screen pops up that says "Add a gadget"
"Blog Archive" and "About me". You need to click "Add a Gadget"
When you click it another screen pops up with alot of difrent things. Click on "Poll"
Once you click on it you write your question down. Then the ansers. Thats it and your done. Now all you have to do is save it. Just click "save" and there you go you have a poll. If your not happy with it you can edit it by click on the little screw driver and wrench icon beside the slideshow.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How to add a Video

Hellow, I see that not many of you have video's on your blog. Adding a video is actualy really very simple. I know alot of you know how to add a video but some people don't so here is how you do it you can add a video if you follow these simple steps.

1. Sighn in with your Id if your not already signed in
2.then go to customize
3. Your will see alot of difrent options
4. Click "Add Gadget"
5. A list of difrent gadgets will apear
6.Find the one your like or in this situation "video bar"
7. Click on it and then your done.

You can also add all sorts of difrent gadgets from that screen. If you need any help with anything feel free to ask.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Welcome to my blog, i am a grade 7 student in Ottawa, Canada. I will be learning and writing about Canadian History on my blog. I will be doing the remainder of my History course online.
I am exited and looking forward to doing this because its alot more easier because i can find all the information i need on the Internet instead of searching through the whole textbook.

I hope you will enjoy yourself and feel free to comment on my posts.

My teacher also has a blog. Check it out.