Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment #3/ 2109

In 2109 alot will change. We are now hearing about global warming in 2009. How bad will it get in 2109. Global warming is already such a big issue in the world. If you look anywhere you will see smoke rising into the sky. You can look anywhere and u will see smoke coming from houses,buildings, especially those big factory's. There is already so much pollution in 2009. How much will there be in 2109? Il tell you. We have been advancing in technology from when the first pioneers came to know. Before they used to use axes and saws to cut down trees. Now we use chain saws and big trucks. In the future they might use robots or they might have radar controlled trucks that cut down trees without anyone driving it. If they do make radar controlled trucks we know one thing there will be alot more pollution. That means that global warming will become a really big issue in 2109 or even before that. Right now humans run factory's that produce alot alot of smoke. In 2109 they might make machines that control them selves that will mean more gas will be used with means more pollution. Right now in 2009 we have sent robot space ships to visit mars. Scientests have found frozen bacteria there that was once living. If bacteria can live somewhere very far from earth why can't we? We might all board big ships that can fly and go to a difrent planet to live on. The earth will probably be used as a place where they run all there factory on and send us all to a difrent planet. Even worse earth might just blow up becouse of all the harm done to it or used as a garbage site. Isreal is attacking gaza with bombs and difrent wepons that is causing dammage to the earth. In 2109 people will be using more advanced bombs that will cause 2x the dammage to the earth and people witch will lead to mass distruction on earth. We already cut down alot of the trees and destroyed rain forests to build factorys that kill the earth. In 2109 the trees might become extinct or they will be indangerd of being extint. With all the trees gone there will be nothing besides small plants to take the carbon deoxide and switch it to oxygen. That could lead to us all having to be forced to leave earth and go to a difrent planted. Besides from all the bad things there could be some good things too. There might be a new law saying that using gas for anything is illegal. We might start using corn oil (ethanol) instead of gas or there might be solar powerd cars. We could start getting all our electrisity from windmills, dams, and solar power. We might make a special day in everyone month where everyone has to go outside and pickup all the garbage they see to help the earth. There might be a new law saying that chopping down more than 100 trees a month is illegal. We might start a whole new program where everyone goes outside and plants trees. Lastly and most importantly there might be world peace. Please cheack out Christopher Moore's blog.


Anonymous said...

Cool blog has alot of information.

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Zaid,

You have some great ideas here. Like I said in class, all this information is wonderful! Next time you write a long entry, just break it into a few paragraphs (every time you make a new point or change what you're talking about, you can make a new paragraph), and it will be even easier to read.